MBFWA 2018

Fashion Week has just wrapped up for the year and the FBI team and students had the wonderful opportunity of attending MBFWA.

Students were guests at shows including Justin Cassin, Alice McCall, Anna Quan and Lee Mathews.

Students also had special roles assisting designers including Alice McCall, Bianca Spender, Thomas Puttick and P.E Nation placed by the FBI Careers Agency.

It was lovely to catch up with the Grazia team, influencer Cartia Mallan and Australia’s Next Top Model Dajana Bogojevic during Fashion Week.

Congratulations to all of our students who helped to make Fashion Week possible.

“I just want to say a massive thank you for giving me the chance to experience a
totally different side to Fashion Week! Full circle moment and something
i’ve wanted to achieve since i was in year 9!”

~ FBI Student Hannah Broad-Dent