Possible Interview Questions & Guidelines
Q1: Tell me a little bit about yourself? / What are you doing at the moment?
(List your current course and job description. Relate them both to the role you are being interviewed for.)
A: “I am currently studying at FBI Fashion College where I am completing subjects such as _____________, _______________, and _____________. I also currently work as a __________________________ where I undertake tasks such as ________________, _________________, _____________, and ________________.”
Q2: What do you understand this position to be?
(Ensure you have a job description that you can study prior to attending your interview.)
A: “I understand this position to be a ___________________ where I will be expected to complete tasks such as __________________, _______________, _________________, and ________________. This is a very important role because _________________________________. I must be professional at all times.”
Q3: What do you know about our company?
(Make sure you are aware of what the company’s function is, where store locations are and where they advertise.)
A: “I feel that your target market is someone who is ________________________________________________________________________. Your company is _________________________________________________________. “
Q4: Why do you want to work for OUR company?
(Make sure you have done your research!)
A: “I love your merchandise and I believe I fall into your target market. I have a genuine interest in this role and your company and I would like to be apart of a successful company such as this one. I feel I understand your store/brand/business.”
Q5: What relevant experience do you have for this role? / What makes you suitable for the role?
A: “I currently work as a __________________________ where I undertake tasks such as ________________, _________________, _____________, and ________________. This is relevant to this role because __________________________________________________. I have also completed Workplace Training at ____________________ and ________________ which is relevant to this role because __________________________________.”
Q6: What are your strengths?
(Your strengths should be related to the position you are interviewing for.)
A: “My strengths are _____________________, ____________________, and _____________________.”
Q7: What are your weaknesses?
(Try to put a positive spin on any weaknesses.)
A: Example: “In the past, colleagues have called me a bit of a perfectionist.”
Q8: Why should we hire you? / Why do you want this role?
A: “I want this job and I believe that I am suited to it. I believe that my past experience and training will allow me to exceed in this role. I understand the position and have the personal and professional skills to do the ob extremely well. My personal skills are that I am _________________, _________________, and __________________. My professional skills are that I am _________________, ___________________, and ___________________.”
Q9: Where do you want to be in 2 – 5 years time?
(This is where you have to prove that you are interested in THIS career path.)
A: “I would like to perfect this role and develop myself for further opportunities within your company.”
Q10: Behavioural Questions
(Sometimes a company will ask you to provide an example of real life situations. These examples need to show the interviewer you have the skills required for the role. Often it will be about problem solving, customer experience or your work ethic etc.)
I. Provide an example of where you completed your job to your best ability.
II. Provide an example of conflict with a customer / team member and how it was resolved.
III. Give an example of when you had to do something your manager asked that you didn’t want to do.
- Be specific. Don’t give a general answer like ” I deal with conflicts all the time and have learned to tay calm and that communication is the key”. It doesn’t stand out and it doesn’t answer the questions.
- Don’t choose a minor disagreement for example “He didn’t want Italian for lunch” or a conflict that was resolved by someone else or just went away without direct action. The idea here is to show off your interpersonal skills and problem solving ability.
- Avoid examples that could make you look bad. For example, don’t share a time when your mistake or miscommunication caused a conflict.
Q11. Sales Questions
(If you are going for a sales position, you may be asked to sell a physical item, an experience or an imaginary item.)
- The most important thing is the customer experience and finding out what the customer wants.
- When selling a product use the features and benefits. A feature is something on the item and the benefit is how the customer will benefit from that particular feature.
- Be friendly, but not pushy. Think about what you like a great sales experience.
Q12: What questions do you ask the company?
(This is a very important part of the interview process. It allows you to show what research you have done on that company. It also demonstrates a genuine interest in the position and company.)
For example:
I. How is the management structured within this company? Who would I be reporting to?
Throughout the interview listen and take notice of anything the interviewer mentions about the job. You don’t want to ask a question that they have already answered.
Do NOT ask about Pay or Hours!
At the end of of the interview, stand up, shake the interviewers hand and thank them for their time. Maintain eye contact and a firm handshake.
Your responsibility is to call the Careers Coordinator as soon as the interview is over and give her your feedback.